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If Gratitude's An Attitude, Then We're Full Of It...So To Speak

It's been almost two weeks since our launch and we are beyond thrilled with the response we've gotten!  It seems appropriate at this juncture to acknowledge that it’s taken a virtual village to get us here…and to extend our sincerest and hugest thanks (in order of appearance, more or less) to:

  • BeliefNet.  We won their month-long “Be Our Next Blogger” contest, and our prize was the idea for Faith Squared.  In the process we learned to love deadlines and figured out how to make an editorial calendar even before we knew what an editorial calendar was.  You can read the rest of that story on our Project You page.
  • Dan Blank.  Dan’s Blogging 101 class taught us the rules of the blog, and gave us the framework for defining what we wanted to do and why.
  • Kelly Diels.  In her Artful, Heart-full Blogging class, Kelly taught us how to successfully break the rules of the blog, and brought us back to the truth that we are writers first, bloggers second.  Red Shoe-style.
  • Everyone who kept up with the Advent Calendar, especially those of you who took the time to leave us comments: Jackie, Jeanne, Carey, Karol, Judy, Marilyn, Bennett, Ann, Jill, Pam, Liz, Brandy, Brenda, Sophie, Zenobia, Laura, Helene, Ronnie, Kelly, Barbara, and Kathy.  That project came together in just under a week, and you have no idea how much your support meant to us!
  • Lily-Elaine Hawk-Wakawaka, Gaylord, and April Lechelt, for their contributions to the Advent Calendar (and advance thank you’s for their upcoming appearances on the blog).
  • Our Facebook fans and Tweeps, for all the shares, likes, comments, favorites, tweets and re-tweets.  Things are getting really fun now!
  • Auburn Lahoski of Rising Design Studio.  Despite the fact that she had exactly zero time to take on the design of Faith Squared, she said yes anyway.  Auburn brought our vision to life in a most beautiful way (don’t you think?!).
  • Bruce Paul of Front Group.  Bruce is our techie wizard and we love the fact that he seems to have banished the words “that’s not possible” from his vocabulary.  Every idea we had made our site a little (or a lot) more complex, but that didn’t stop him from making all of them happen.
  • Williams-Sonoma, because they created the perfect little gadget for creating the perfect little raw chocolate truffles.  Without truffles, we’d never get anything done.
  • Everyone who has signed up for the Exprayeriment HQ.  We have the wonderful "problem" of there being too many of you to mention by name, but you know who you are, and we are so excited to get the spiritual adventuring underway!  If you haven't joined us yet, read all about it here, and come on in when you're ready.
  • Erica, Sophie, Diane, and Kj: you gals totally ROCK and we can't wait to feature you on Project You!  Who's next in line?  (Hint, hint).
  • To everyone on our love Love LOVE! page – thank you for the endless inspiration, the out-of-this-world way you combine words, the beautiful photos and prayers.  Our blog wants to be just like you when it grows up.

And to all of you who have read us so far...we’re so glad you’re here.  And we hope to hear your voice soon, because this is your blog, too.

Source: curiousgirl-lisa.blogspot.com via Faith Squared on Pinterest